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2015 Haystack Connect — Day 2 Highlights — Interoperable Blues Band Rocks the House!

Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 9.21.37 AMDay Two of 2015 Haystack Connect began with a hoax-busting integration experience, as Jason Briggs and Scott Muench configured a Haystack project involving 10 participating vendors, employing a uniquely entertaining and unprecedented live demonstration of the potency and inevitability of Haystack tagging (Video to follow). Adoption of Haystack’s naming conventions and taxonomies — will make it more cost effective to analyze, visualize, and derive value from our operational data, period.

Keynote speakers Jack McGowan, The McGowan Group reminded the audience that neither the strongest nor the smartest ones are the most likely to survive; but rather, the ones most responsive to change. Electricity is the highest quality fuel we have and the most volatile. The cost of energy is a pain point that the Haystack Community has the skills that can help alleviate that pain, while maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage over non-adopters. Peter Kelly-Ditwiler, North Energy Partners followed with a very powerful message — Power to the Periphery: The Future of Electricity. Peter’s renown stems from global experience and over 200 Fortune Magazine articles, though his humorous anecdotes, including Sprint’s streaming of a celebrity’s funeral that took their global network down, revealed how improbable events will require extraordinary measures of redundancy and foresight.

Many videos and highlights to follow. Visit Project Haystack in the near future for review of all the 2015 Haystack Connect general and breakout sessions.


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