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EasyIO Europe’s EasyStack Update and Congratulations to EasyIO Europe B.V. on Your 10th Year Anniversary

easy_stack EasyStack is a software technology that combines the core functionality of a Building Automation System (BAS) for connecting and controlling devices, with the added benefits of a Building Operating System (BOS) to manage and leverage data. The technology uses tagging and data modeling to provide unprecedented capabilities and functionally. The Haystack open standard also provides options and choices for the best combination of solutions from the wider collaborative Haystack community.

EasyStack is a next generation software suite including an entirely new application server, combined with the custom graphic tool EasyStack Builder, and the EasyStack Mobile app. You can now build your entire customer’s solution using a unified toolset optimized for efficient workflow. The technology leverages powerful tagging and data modelling which means you can use queries to access data and eliminate time consuming linking. EasyStack was designed to encourage community collaboration and seamlessly supports add-on applications such as automated analytics.

EasyIO Europe B.V. reserves the right to change or modify specifications without prior notice. The latest product specifications can be found by contacting us.EasyIO EuropeB.V.Raam 16b 5422 WX Gemert The Netherlands (T+31 492 820043)

EasyIO_Europe_10thWhat makes the people at EasyIO after 10 years still so motivated? “EasyIO has a very refreshing approach to our markets and to everything really. If you look at the individuals and their past history and track records, they are not new to this industry at all. They have a lot of experience working in BMS and M2M and they really understand data, web technologies, marketing, and have a refreshing and an open mind for progress. So, at EasyIO we can work together very nicely because we are looking outside the box. We are looking at our customer’s needs and looking at how we can do things differently, easier, and more cost effectively than the traditional systems.”


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