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Introducing the momit Smart Thermostat — (Europe’s Version of the Nest)

We introduce you to momit Smart Thermostat

momitst-standard Thanks to Chantal Marin-Bourceraau, Product Manager and Business Development at Green momit, ControlTrends has learned of yet another innovative and smart thermostat sweeping across the European markets, with a possible eye on the North American market as well. We introduce Green momit:

“We have made a thermostat that is different than the rest, it has a sophisticated style, with touch screen, no buttons or wheels. It is WiFi and smart, so it is able to learn our daily routines and autoprograming so can help us to save expenses and energy.

momit Smart Thermostat — Imagine a thermostat with modern and customizable design, imagine being able to control the temperature of your home at anytime and anywhere, imagine saving up to 20% more energy than the most advanced thermostats, and last but not least, easy to install and compatible with over 90% of households, if you closed your eyes, you have imagined it.

Smart comfort — momit Smart Thermostat knows you, learns from your daily routines, knows at what time do you wake up, knows if you are at home and it is day or night. It is smart. It calculates the time the takes to your home for reaching the temperature that you want, therefore, you will always be at the temperature you want whenever you want.”

Control your thermostat at anytime and anywhere: Your thermostat is always connected to the internet, this means that you can manage it from anywhere and from any device (mobile phones, tablets, PCs).



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