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What Ken Sinclair and Julie Miner have to teach you about your next Smart Building Controls Opportunity

One of the really cool things about ControlTrends, is that we get to go to great conferences like Real Comm IBcon and talk with insightful people like Jim Young and Ken Sinclair. We get to see trends unfold and are hopefully able to convey these to the ControlTrends Community in such a way that our insights can prepare you for the next turn in the road and the next opportunity.

Well listen up, because putting great controls and analytics in a building are not going to be enough. It is going to be about the experience that the building creates, and the smart building controls professionals that understand this and how to deliver it will thrive — in what we are calling the humanization of the smart building. That’s right, your building and its inhabitants will no longer be thought of as two separate entities, but as one living, breathing thing.

As Ken Sinclair says in his July Article Building Emotion:

“Emotion” is the noun used to describe the creation and depiction of a mindful interactive relationship that conveys the conversation between the inhabitants and their physical building. It is a virtual identity, a feeling, a learning. an interactive piece, a virtual brick, and mortar that hosts the buildings’ emotion. “Building” is the verb or noun that modifies it.”

As usual, Ken has his finger on the changing pulse of the smart building controls world. But, how do you go from a concept and a need to actually making it real and tangible in the modern day smart building? How do you go from traditional space utilization to creating a unique “space experience”?

To get the answer to these questions we caught up with Juile Minor, from Cohn Reznick, at the 2018 Real Comm IBcon show in Las Vegas. Cohn Reznick has been the go to advisory resource that helps clients maximize their real estate assets. Julie and her team specialize in space utilization that allow physical spaces to become more than just a place to go to work, but to enhance the experience of work. And who do you think will lease more office space, the one that is selling an experience or the one that is just leasing square footage?

As a smart building controls providers, we must be aware of these trends and pay attention to people like Ken Sincalir and Julie Miner if we want to stay relevant.


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