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The Top Indoor Air Quality Sensors of 2023

Indoor air Quality sensors for commercial buildings

Did you know that the air inside your home and building can be more polluted than the air outside? Indoor air quality is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy living and work  environment, and monitoring it with an indoor air quality sensor has never been more critical. In this blog post, we will explore the top indoor air quality monitors of 2023, helping you make an informed decision to ensure a cleaner and healthier home using an indoor air quality sensor.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the importance of indoor air quality sensors and factors to consider when choosing one.
  • Our top picks for 2023 are Airthings View Plus, Wave Mini & Davis Instruments AirLink. Accuracy & range of detected pollutants should be taken into account.
  • Improve IAQ with proper placement, regular maintenance and integrating with smart home systems. Additional solutions include air purifiers, HVAC filters & ventilation.

Understanding Indoor Air Quality Sensors

Detecting and monitoring various pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and radon is the main function of indoor air quality sensors, which contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy living environment. With the rise in air pollution and the increasing awareness of its health implications, air quality monitors have become a popular choice for home and building owners looking to improve indoor air quality.

Types of Indoor Air Pollutants

Indoor air pollutants can come from various sources, both natural and man-made. Common pollutants include:

  • VOCs
  • Particulate matter
  • Radon
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide

Particulate matter consists of tiny solids and liquids, such as dust, pollen, mold spores, and smoke, which can cause respiratory issues. VOCs are invisible gases emitted from materials like paint, varnishes, flooring, or textiles, with formaldehyde being the most widely recognized VOC.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can be produced in many ways. Unvented space heaters, car exhaust in closed garages and other gasoline-powered equipment in poorly ventilated areas all lead to the production of carbon monoxide. Elevated levels of carbon dioxide can lead to loss of consciousness and can be potentially fatal. A fundamental step towards managing indoor air quality and fostering a healthy indoor environment involves identifying and understanding these pollutants.

Sensor Technologies

Various sensor technologies are utilized in air quality monitors to detect different pollutants. Electrochemical sensors operate based on the principle of amperometry, generating a current proportional to the concentration of the target gas in the air. These sensors can detect pollutants such as NOx, SOx, H2S, NH3, VOCs, CO, H2S, NO, SO, and O3.

Laser estimation sensors, on the other hand, employ laser light scattering principles to measure the number and size of airborne particles. These sensors estimate the particulate matter (PM) in the air, including pollutants like ozone, by gauging the quantity of light scattered by the particles. Thus, air quality monitors use a combination of these sensor technologies to provide comprehensive information on indoor air quality.

Top Indoor Air Quality Monitors of 2023

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As air quality concerns continue to rise, the market has responded with a wide range of air quality monitors to choose from, including the popular iqair air quality monitor and various smart air quality monitor options. Among the most air quality monitors available, our top picks for 2023 include the Airthings View Plus, Airthings Wave Mini, and Davis Instruments AirLink. These monitors stand out for their accuracy, range of detected pollutants, and ease of use.

Best Overall: Airthings View Plus

The Airthings View Plus is our top choice for the best air quality monitor, making it the best overall air quality monitor in 2023. It offers the following features:

  • Equipped with 7 integrated sensors
  • Can detect a wide range of pollutants, including radon, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Sophisticated design ensures accurate readings
  • Provides a user-friendly experience

With an estimated battery lifespan of up to two years when powered by a USB cable or batteries, the Airthings View Plus is both convenient and reliable. Its comprehensive pollutant detection capabilities make it the best overall air quality monitor for anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality.

Best Budget Option: Airthings Wave Mini

For those on a budget, the Airthings Wave Mini is an excellent choice. This portable and battery-operated air quality monitor is affordable without compromising on performance. It can detect Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) and provide an indication of the risk for Mold Growth.

The Airthings Wave Mini:

  • Is generally accepted to be reliable in terms of accuracy
  • Offers Bluetooth connectivity for in-home access to real-time readings
  • Is the best budget option for monitoring indoor air quality

Its affordability and reliability make it a popular choice among consumers.

Best Portable Monitor: Davis Instruments AirLink

If you need an air quality monitor that can efficiently measure particulate matter on-the-go, look no further than the Davis Instruments AirLink. This portable monitor can measure particulate matter down to 1 micron, making it perfect for on-the-go monitoring. The AirLink provides real-time measurement of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, with easy-to-understand graphs and color-coded air quality indicators.

Additionally, the Davis Instruments AirLink tracks air quality trends, including the air quality index, and displays weather data, such as:

  • dust
  • smoke
  • pollution
  • dew point
  • heat index

Its portable design and comprehensive pollutant detection make it the best portable air quality monitor in 2023.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Indoor Air Quality Monitor

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Factors like accuracy, range of detected pollutants, and ease of use should be taken into consideration when choosing an air quality monitor for your home. Choosing a monitor that provides reliable and consistent measurements is crucial because inaccurate readings can trigger false alarms or instill a false sense of security.

Additionally, consider the specific pollutants you’re most concerned about and select a monitor that can detect those pollutants effectively.

Accuracy and Precision

Although consumer air quality monitors may not be as precise as laboratory detectors, they can still be helpful in detecting airborne particulates and toxic gases. The reliability of air quality readings on monitors is estimated to be between 70% and 85%. This means that while the monitors may not be perfect, they can still provide valuable information about your indoor air quality.

For example, the Temtop M10 Air Quality Monitor has been shown to produce PM2.5 readings that were almost identical to other monitors tested and in line with the readings from a professional-grade particle counter used as a control. Therefore, choosing an air quality monitor that strikes a balance between accuracy, precision, and affordability is crucial.  Full discloser:I have never used the Temtop monitor, so please check reviews before buying.

Range of Detected Pollutants

Different air quality monitors offer varying ranges of pollutant detection, depending on the sensors employed. These sensors may utilize lasers, electrochemical sensors, and filter-based gravimetric sensors to measure the concentration of pollutants in the air. Air quality monitors detect a wide range of pollutants, and some monitors, like the Airthings View Plus, can specifically detect radon, carbon dioxide, and VOCs.

When selecting an air quality monitor, consider the specific pollutants you’re most concerned about and choose a monitor that can detect those pollutants effectively. For example, if you’re concerned about volatile organic compounds, opt for a monitor like the Airthings Battery Powered 2930 Wave Plus, which can detect VOCs.

Ease of Use and Connectivity

Considering ease of use and connectivity is vital when selecting an air quality monitor in the connected world we live in today. A user-friendly interface on an air quality monitor should incorporate:

  • A clear and intuitive display, providing quick information regarding air pollution levels
  • Easy operation
  • Accessibility
  • Wireless connectivity

Additionally, consider the compatibility of the air quality monitor with your existing smart home system, as this can enable remote monitoring and control, facilitating real-time updates and alerts regarding the indoor air quality. By selecting a monitor with a user-friendly interface and seamless connectivity, you can easily keep track of your home’s air quality and take action when necessary.

Improving Indoor Air Quality with Monitors

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Once you’ve selected your air quality monitor, it’s crucial to make the most of its features to improve your indoor air quality. Proper placement, regular maintenance, and integration with smart home systems can help you get the most out of your monitor and ensure a healthier living environment.

Proper Placement

Placing your air quality monitor in the correct location is crucial to ensure accurate readings. Monitors should be placed in areas where pollutants are likely to accumulate, such as near vents or in rooms with poor ventilation. In a residential setting, suggested locations for air quality monitors include basements, garages, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, and nurseries.

The recommended height for an indoor air quality monitor is between 3 and 6 feet above the ground. By placing your monitor in the right location and at the correct height, you can ensure that you’re getting accurate readings and effectively monitoring your indoor air quality.

Regular Maintenance

Keeping your air quality monitor clean and well-maintained is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. Here are some maintenance tasks to consider:

  1. Inspect and clean the HVAC system.
  2. Monitor and control humidity levels.
  3. Regularly check and change air filters.
  4. Clean or replace air ducts and other components of the HVAC system.

Performing these tasks once or twice a year will help ensure that your indoor air quality monitor continues to function effectively.

By following the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and calibration, you can ensure that your air quality monitor remains accurate and reliable, providing you with valuable information about your indoor air quality and helping you maintain a healthy living environment.

Integrating with Smart Home Systems or Building Automation Control Systems

Integrating your air quality monitor with your smart home system can provide additional benefits, such as real-time updates and alerts on your indoor air quality. By connecting your monitor to your smart home system, you can receive notifications on your smartphone or through smart home devices like smart speakers or lights when air quality levels change.

To set up real-time updates and alerts for indoor air quality on smart home systems, follow these steps:

  1. Refer to Fact 4.3_2 for detailed instructions on how to integrate your smart home system with air quality monitoring.
  2. Once the integration is complete, you will receive real-time updates and alerts about your home’s air quality.
  3. Take action when necessary to improve the air quality in your home, contributing to a healthier living environment.

Additional Solutions for Better Indoor Air Quality

Air quality monitors play a significant role in helping to monitor air quality and maintain a healthy indoor environment, but considering outdoor air quality and other solutions can enhance your indoor air quality even more.

Additional methods for achieving better indoor air quality, such as air purifiers, HVAC filters, and proper ventilation, will be discussed in this section as complementary solutions.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are effective devices for removing pollutants from the air and improving overall indoor air quality. They work by filtering the air and eliminating pollutants using various technologies, such as HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and UV-C light. Studies have shown that air purifiers can reduce indoor fine particle concentrations by up to 60%.

However, keep in mind that air purifiers are incapable of eliminating all pollutants from the air. By using an air purifier in conjunction with an air quality monitor, you can further improve your indoor air quality and ensure a healthier living environment.

HVAC Filters

Regularly changing your HVAC filters can help reduce airborne pollutants and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Pleated filters with a high MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) of 6-12 are the most effective for filtering out harmful air particles.

Changing your HVAC filters every 30 days or less can help ensure optimal air quality. By keeping your HVAC system clean and well-maintained, you can further reduce indoor air pollution and improve your overall air quality.

Also keeping heating and cooling coils is critical, here is a simple and cost effective way to keep your coils clean and pure.

Ventilation and Fresh Air

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality. Here are some tips for improving ventilation in your home:

  • Open windows to let in fresh air
  • Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove pollutants
  • Ventilate your home at least once a day for a minimum of five minutes
  • For even more effective ventilation, ventilate for longer periods of 15 to 20 minutes

By following these tips, you can ensure that your home has proper ventilation and improve indoor air quality.

Ensuring proper ventilation and fresh air circulation in your home can help dilute and remove indoor air pollutants, promoting better respiratory health and enhancing indoor air quality. By combining these additional solutions with air quality monitoring, you can create a cleaner and healthier living environment for you and your family.


In conclusion, monitoring and improving indoor air quality is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. By selecting the right air quality monitor, ensuring proper placement and maintenance, and integrating it with your smart home system, you can effectively manage your indoor air quality. Additionally, by considering air purifiers, HVAC filters, and proper ventilation, you can further improve your indoor air quality and create a cleaner, healthier home. Don’t leave your health to chance – take control of your indoor air quality today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an indoor air quality monitor worth it?

Given that air quality monitors can detect a variety of pollutants and measure for carbon dioxide, dust, mold, pollen, radon, and VOCs, it is worth having one in your home to get a comprehensive look at the health of your indoor atmosphere.

How does an indoor air quality sensor work?

Air quality sensors measure various unhealthy particles, toxins and gases by taking in the surrounding air and analyzing it using the principle of measuring the attenuation of infrared radiation. They consist of an infrared radiation source, a light-water tube and an infrared detector with an appropriate filter.

What pollutants do indoor air quality monitors typically detect?

Indoor air quality monitors typically detect pollutants such as VOCs, particulate matter, radon, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

How accurate are consumer air quality monitors?

Consumer air quality monitors are estimated to have a high accuracy rate of between 70% and 85%, making them a reliable source for monitoring air quality.

How often should I change my HVAC filters to ensure optimal air quality?

For optimal air quality, it is recommended to change your HVAC filters every 30 days or less.


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