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Simplify Your Property Management with Genea’s Next-Gen Platform

I caught up with Brian Haine from Genea at RealComm/IBcon and was super impressed with their product offering and how much easier it makes life for Property Managers. What exactly is Genea? It is a set of products ‘ Genea’s cloud-based Overtime HVAC platform simplifies HVAC services and billing for you and your tenants

Whether you’re a property manager or a tenant, you know that property management can be a headache. Disputed charges, confusing billing, and waiting for property managers to act on access requests can all be major sources of frustration. But what if there was a next-generation platform that put your needs first? That’s where Genea comes in. With Genea, you can simplify your property management, automate HVAC services and billing, streamline submeter readings and billing, and manage access control more efficiently.

Genea’s cloud-based Overtime HVAC platform simplifies HVAC services and billing for you and your tenants. With our system, manual work is eliminated completely, and you no longer have to worry about guessing the correct billing amount. The best part? You can use your existing hardware and building management system. Just sit back and let Genea handle it.

Genea’s cloud-based, automated submeter billing software also simplifies the reading and billing process for networked and non-networked meters. Ditch the clipboards and spreadsheets once and for all, and let our platform handle it. Say goodbye to submetering inefficiencies and hello to accurate invoices for your tenants.

Not only does Genea streamline submeter readings and billing, but our next-gen, mobile-first platform also eliminates the need for manual record-keeping on clipboards and spreadsheets. This gives your property management team more time to focus on providing the best service possible for your tenants. By simplifying these processes, Genea allows your property management to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Last but not least, Genea is the first access control management software of its kind. You can manage keyholders, monitor all activity, and assign mobile keys from any device, anywhere, at any time. With Genea, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your property is secure.

In conclusion, if you’re tired of dealing with manual property management processes, Genea’s next-gen platform is the solution you’ve been looking for. From HVAC services and automated billing to submetering and access control management, Genea puts your needs first. With Genea, you can simplify your property management and focus on providing the best service possible for your tenants. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to efficiency with Genea.


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