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Smart Buildings: Silicon Valley Delivers Data-Driven Office Space

A new friend, Josh Bradshaw is worth paying attention to. Josh is a technology enthusiast and visionary. He coined the phrase “Don’t Work for Technology; Make Technology Work for You.” Check out his website WorkTechWork to get an idea just how broad his coverage of technology is, and how it is effecting us now and will in the future.

Josh recently co-chaired a Smart Buildings Event with Jim Young, RealComm/Ibcon for the movers and shakers in Silicon Valley. As you can see from the video, some great perspectives and dialogue. Nice job Josh and Jim!

We had a chance to catchup with Josh, here is some of what he had to say:

First, the so-called ‘smart’ building isn’t new, while the early stages of what we are seeing called a ‘smart home’ is actually quite new (see more on this here…/building-automation-i…/”
Second, buildings and building systems that benefit from IoT solutions will generate more, monetizable value in the next 5 years than the smart home. No, I don’t have stats to confirm this-its a hunch. I’ve been wrong before, could be wrong here but think about it and take a look at some of the logic here…/markets-not-ready-for…/
Third, every tiny piece of a building can benefit from intelligent solutions, especially anything that consumes power. BUT more than that, the people who occupy a building, whether they are the building occupant’s employees or customers/clients, can also benefit from smart building technology (see here for an example w/light bulbs…/ballasts-leds-and-sma…/)
& Last BUT NOT LEAST, buildings that are ‘smart’ can deliver experiences that do not require the occupant to think about the technology. The UX and UI to use tech speak, must be seamless. Thousands of people were at Levi’s Stadium for ‪#‎SuperBowl50‬ and they didn’t have to even think about it being a smart building, they just enjoyed the experience. (more on that here…/super-bowl-50-in-the-…/)
BUT Josh Bradshaw Does this mean you don’t like the ‪#‎SmartHome‬ or ‪#‎WearableTech‬ anymore?
NO – it doesn’t. But it does mean that if you see me working with consumer ‪#‎IoT‬ products and solutions, you can bet that I am working towards delivering enterprise grade experiences, experiences worthy of smart buildings.
Respecting the tenant is something you learn in real estate. They’re the guest of the landlord and they are important. Disrupting an occupant for a so-called smart building technology just doesn’t happen, because you can’t tick your customers off with sub-standard experiences. In the connected home it is the same, but most people delivering ‪#‎connectedhome‬ hardware or software do not understand that disrupting the occupant cannot be allowed. Respecting the tenant or occupant of a leased space and respecting the user or occupant in the connected home are the same.
And finally, here’s that link. Enjoy! A very special thanks to my co-chair Tyler Kemp and for the rest of the event team, Noah Goldstein, Huang Lee, Elle Rustique, Kaisar Nova Khatak as well as to Monique Hodgkinson who helped with VLAB – MIT Enterprise Forum, Bay Area marketing and the countless dozens of other people who tirelessly volunteer for VLAB to make these events possible. You all do great work.


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